User Documents


Enable or disable the application types on your short application form.

Available Application Types

Home EquityProvides applicant with Home Equity option.
Home PurchaseProvides applicant with Home Purchase option.
Home RefinanceProvides applicant with Home Refinance option.
Reverse MortgageProvides applicant with Reverse Mortgage option.
VA PurchaseProvides applicant with VA Purchase option.
Va RefinanceProvides applicant with VA Refinance option.

Show or Hide Application Types

You can show or hide application types to match the types of applications your company accepts.

Show application type:

  1. Go to Settings -> Forms.
  2. Find the application type you want to show.
  3. Click the corresponding radio button to show the application type.
  4. Click "Save Changes".

Hide application type:

  1. Go to Settings -> Forms.
  2. Find the application type you want to hide.
  3. Click the corresponding radio button to hide the application type.
  4. Click "Save Changes".
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