User Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

Here is a list of frequently asked questions.

How do I edit my home page?

To edit your home page you have two options: Edit Mode or Live Editor.

If you just need to edit the page details or the page body, Edit Mode is probably your best choice. However, if you want to edit elements that are outside of the page body, such as the content in the footer, you will want to use Live Editor. Instructions for both edit modes are provided below.

Edit your page with Edit Mode:

  1. Go to Site Content -> Edit Pages.
  2. Click on “Edit” next to the page you want to edit.
  3. Change your page details as needed using the toolbar to format text, images, and hyperlinks.
  4. Click on your page body and edit that as needed.
  5. Click “Save”.

Edit your page with Live Editor:

  1. Go to Site Content -> Edit Pages.
  2. Click on “Live Editor” next to the page you want to edit.
  3. Once your page loads, click on any of the editable regions marked with a “pencil” icon.
  4. Edit the content as needed using the toolbar to format text, images, and hyperlinks.
  5. Click “Save Changes”.

Once you have saved your changes you may want to view the page. Copy the URL from the page details and paste in a new tab in your browser.

How do I change my site navigation?

Change your site navigation by adding, editing, or removing tabs.

Add a new tab to your site navigation:

  1. Click “Add Tab” at the bottom of the screen. You will see a new tab appear at the bottom.
  2. Edit the Text field.
  3. Click on the Page dropdown and select the page you want the tab to point to.
  4. Click and drag the tab to the desired position.
  5. Click “Save”.

To point a tab to an external website choose “Custom” in the page dropdown. A popup will appear and you can enter the page URL.

Edit a tab in your site navigation:

  1. Go to Site Content -> Edit Navigation.
  2. Go to the tab and Edit the Text field.
  3. Click on the Page dropdown and select the page you want the tab to point to.
  4. Click and drag the tab to the desired position.
  5. Click “Save”.

Remove a tab from your site navigation.

  1. Go to Site Content -> Edit Navigation
  2. Click “Remove” next to the tab you want to remove.
  3. Click “Save”.

How do I change my contact information?

Changing your contact information will affect what information is displayed on your website and SmartApp1003.

Change your contact info:

  1. Go to My Account.
  2. Under Contact Info, retype any of the fields you would like to change, including your address, phone number, and email address.
  3. Edit your Notification Email to change where your email notifications are sent.
  4. Edit your company name and NMLS#.
  5. Click "Save Changes".

For more information on all available settings in My Account click here.

How do I setup my email notifications?

Entering your email address in My Account will allow you receive email notifications whenever someone submits a form or loan application.

Enter your Notification Email address:

  1. Go to My Account.
  2. Under Contact Information, type in your email address in the field labeled "Notification Email".
  3. Type in any additonal emails by separating with a comma.
  4. Click “Save Changes”.

After setting your Notification Email, you may want to check if you are receiving the notification emails by submitting one of the forms on your website.

Additional configuration may be required if you are using a third-party email provider. If you've submitted a form and are not receiving any notifications, please contact your representative.

How do I change my template theme?

Changing your theme is quick and simple and can be done at any time without affecting the content of your website.

Change your website theme:

  1. Go to Settings -> Site Design.
  2. Click on the theme that you would like your website to use.
  3. Click “Set Theme” to save your changes.

Once you have set the theme you can go to your website to view the live changes. If you decide that you don’t like the theme, you can always reselect your previous theme.

How do I add Google Analytics to my website?

In order to setup Google Analytics on your website, you will first need to sign up and get your code. Go to for more information.

Add your Google Analytics code:

  1. Go to Settings -> Analytics.
  2. Paste the code snippet provided by Google in the field labeled Analytics Code.
  3. Click "Save Changes".

Your Google Analytics code snippet should start with <script> and end with </script> and consist of multiple lines of code.

How do I setup my leads to post to my CRM?

You will need the posting URL from your CRM in order for your leads to post.

Add a lead posting URL:

  1. Go to Settings -> Lead Posting.
  2. Paste your lead posting URL in the corresponding field under Lead Posting.
  3. Click "Save Changes".

For more information on lead posting, click here.

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