User Documents

Rate Manager

Add and edit the loan rates that appear on the Today’s Rates page.

View your Today's Rates table by typing in "/todays-rates/" after your domain name in the address bar (e.g. If you do not have any rates, a pre-qualify form will appear instead of the rates table.

Rate Fields

Below is a list of all available fields for rates.

Program The loan program.
Rate The loan rate as a percentage.
Points The loan points.
APR The loan Annual Percentage Rate (APR).
Priority The order in which the rate appears. (the lowest number appears on the top)
Date The date that the rate was published. (this cannot be changed)
Display on Homepage A checkbox that allows you to display the rate on the homepage.

Add Rate

Add a new rate to be featured on your Today's Rates table.

Add a new rate:

  1. Go to Rate Manager.
  2. On the right side under the section labeled, "Add Rate", select the rate program and enter the rate information.
  3. Check the box that says "Display on Homepage" if you would like this rate to appear on the home page of your website.
  4. Click "Add Rate".

Edit Rate

Change the rate information for your rates table.

Edit a rate:

  1. Go to Rate Manager.
  2. Under the section labeled "Current Rates" click the "pencil" icon next to the rate that you want to update.
  3. Type in the updated information.
  4. Click "Save Changes".

Remove Rate

Remove a rate from your rates table.

Remove a rate:

  1. Go to Rate Manager.
  2. Under the section labeled "Current Rates" click the delete button next to the rate that you want to remove.
  3. Click "OK" to confirm that you want to delete this rate.
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